This, according to the EP, is stated in her article in the Express.
"The battle for Donbas is raging as Russian troops advance in the east and south. If Putin wins, he will target larger areas of Ukraine and will not give up until the whole country is under his control," Trass said.
According to the British Foreign Secretary, Putin is playing on the fact that the desire of the free world to stop it can not be compared with his determination to bring Ukraine to its knees.
"We have proved that Russia was wrong, and we will do it again. Now it is clear that Putin can not break and will not break or subjugate Ukraine. But we must go further – a strategic and moral imperative for all of us is the victory of Ukraine," said Trass.
"I urge our allies to do more to ensure that Ukraine gets what it needs, from heavy weapons such as tanks and planes to ammunition and other supplies.
The best long-term security for Ukraine will be that it will be able to defend itself against any future aggression, "said the British Foreign Secretary.
That is why, she stressed, the United Kingdom is cooperating with Poland through a joint commission to equip Ukraine with NATO-standard weapons.
"We must also continue to starve Putin's car to finance the war, imposing sanctions on more of those who finance its aggression, from oligarchs and banks to energy, gold and services," Trass said.
"We must keep up the pressure as long as Putin's troops remain in Ukraine," she added.
However, the minister claims that Britain is not looking for regime change in russia: "But it should be understood: a weakened Russia is a consequence of Putin's decision to launch an unprovoked invasion."
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