A representative of the French Foreign Ministry, which currently holds the presidency of the EU Council, announced this at a briefing on May 12.
"As the President of the Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs have repeatedly reminded, Ukraine is part of the European family. Ukraine's application for membership in the European Union, which is currently being considered by the European Commission, will be discussed at the European Council in June," a representative of the French Foreign Ministry said.
The ministry's spokesperson commented on a statement by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba that Ukraine wanted to reserve a seat in the European Union, even if it takes time to become a full member.
"This is not about Ukraine's fastest membership in the EU. But it is very important for us that this place is reserved for Ukraine," Kuleba said in an interview with German broadcaster ARD.
Ukraine expects to receive the status of a candidate for EU membership in June this year following the summit of EU leaders on June 23-24.
On May 9, Ukraine completed the second and final part of the questionnaire to obtain candidate status.
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