russia is the most direct threat to the world order, European Commission President says

Today, russia is the most direct threat to the world order with the barbaric war against Ukraine

The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen stated this after talks with the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, The Guardian reports.

According to the President of the European Commission, russia's alarming pact with China is also a threat.

To recap, Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel are currently in Japan for talks on russia's invasion of Ukraine.

There are also concerns about China's role in Asia and beyond.

"russia's invasion of Ukraine is not just a matter for Europe, but it shakes the core of the international order, including Asia. This must not be tolerated," said Kishida.

It should be noted that the Japanese government has joined the tough sanctions against Moscow.

Beijing's growing stance on Asia was also on the agenda, as the EU sought to play a more important role in the confrontation with China.

"Our cooperation in Ukraine is critical in Europe, but it's also important in the Indo-Pacific and we also want to deepen our consultation on a more assertive China," Michel said.

As reported by Rubryka, Japan has imposed sanctions against russian companies and officials.

In addition, the Japanese government also provided humanitarian and financial assistance to Ukraine and joined the G7's commitment to phase out or ban russian oil.

However, Japan has refrained from taking measures with gas because of its dependence on energy imports.

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