The UN Human Rights Council launches an investigation into russia’s crimes in Ukraine

The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday voted to launch an investigation into alleged human rights violations and serious violations of international humanitarian law by russian troops in the liberated territories of Ukraine.

European Pravda reported this.

The council voted to tighten controls on "the deterioration of the human rights situation in Ukraine as a result of russian aggression," especially, in light of the events in Mariupol and several other cities.

33 states voted in favor, 12 abstained, and 2 were against (China and Eritrea).

"The UN Human Rights Council reaffirms its demand for an immediate cessation of hostilities against Ukraine and for all parties to the conflict to respect the fundamental principles and norms of international humanitarian law, including refraining from any attacks on civilians and civilian objects, and refraining from any violations and abuses of human rights in Ukraine," Ukrinform quotes the resolution.

The UN Human Rights Council has asked the Independent International Commission of Inquiry into Ukraine to investigate the events in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Sumy regions, and asked the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to submit a report to the next session of the Council in June this year. the serious human rights situation and the humanitarian situation in Mariupol.

The Council calls on Russia to provide representatives and staff of international human rights and humanitarian agencies, including UN specialized agencies, with unimpeded, timely, immediate, unrestricted, and safe access to persons transported from conflict-affected areas of Ukraine and detained in or in areas of Russia or areas controlled or occupied by the Russian Federation, and provide the relevant parties with a complete list of such transferred persons and their whereabouts.

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