Marine Commander asked Elon Musk to help evacute from Azovstal plant in Mariupol

The commander of the Marines defending Mariupol, Serhii Volyna, turned to the American inventor Elon Musk for help in evacuating from Azovstal

Serhii Volyna announced this on Twitter and Facebook.

"People say you come from another planet to teach people to believe in the impossible. Our planets are next to each other, as I live where it is nearly impossible to survive. Help us get out of Azovstal to a mediating country. If not you, then who? Give me a hint.

I appeal to every person on the planet Earth, help make Elon see my appeal."

Volyna stressed that Elon Musk "proved that there are no unsolvable problems for him, that anything is possible," and "he never gives up same like us."


To recap, on May 7, Serhii Volyna stated that defenders found themselves in a hellish reality show, watched all over the world. And they still hope that the decision to save them will be made.

The Ukrainian side offers the russians to exchange the severely wounded Ukrainian servicemen who remain on Azovstal for the captured servicemen of the russian federation. There is no agreement yet. Negotiations are ongoing.

russia's aggression caused one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes in Mariupol.

On May 7, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereshchuk, said that all women, children, and the elderly had been evacuated from the Azovstal metallurgical plant.

The russians are constantly shelling the territory of the metallurgical plant with all kinds of weapons, including airplanes and naval artillery, and are repeatedly trying to storm it.

The Ukrainian military, including several hundred wounded, is holding the fort. There is an acute shortage of medicines and people are dying in agony.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the Ukrainian authorities were working on diplomatic options to save the Ukrainian military stationed on the territory of the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant.

Soldiers of the Azov Regiment, the National Guard, the Ukrainian Marines, and motorized riflemen continue to defend Mariupol.

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