Czech Senate recognizes russia's crimes in Ukraine as genocide of Ukrainian people

The Czech Senate on Wednesday, May 11, recognized the crimes of the russian army in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people.
The Ambassador of Ukraine announced this in Prague Yevhen Perebyinis on Twitter.
Чеський Сенат щойно визнав злочини, які російська армія вчиняє в Україні, геноцидом Українського народу. У прийнятій постанові також міститься підтримка подальшого надання Чехією Україні зброї та отримання Україною статусу кандидата на членство в ЄС. Дякуємо!
— Yevhen Perebyinis (@YPerebyinis) May 11, 2022
"The Czech Senate has just recognized the crimes committed by the russian army in Ukraine as genocide of the Ukrainian people. The resolution also supports the Czech Republic's continued provision of weapons to Ukraine and Ukraine's EU candidate status," the ambassador said.
Czech senators have said that russia is grossly violating international humanitarian law and international conventions in Ukraine.
The Senate has condemned numerous war crimes committed by russia in Ukrainian cities such as Bucha, Borodianka, Irpin, and Mariupol, which show terror against the population, mass executions, and deportations of hundreds of thousands of people.
The Senate condemned the ethnically motivated crimes against humanity committed by russia systematically and on a large scale, saying they were manifestations of genocide against the Ukrainian people.
On May 10, the Lithuanian Seimas approved a resolution recognizing Russia's actions in Ukraine as genocide and russia's as a state that supports and carries out terrorism.
The Estonian parliament also adopted a statement recognizing the actions of the russian armed forces and the military-political leadership as genocide against the Ukrainian people and calling for support for the investigation of these crimes.