He said this in an interview with Espresso, Rubryka reports.
The ambassador made such a statement on his own initiative at the end of the conversation.
There was no question from the presenter on this issue.
"Finally, I want to assure you that when they start considering Ukraine's membership in the European Union, Hungary will support it," Íjgyártó said.
The Hungarian ambassador also answered questions about the Hungarian government's position on russian aggression in Ukraine.
"russia is an aggressor country, a military aggressor. And we fully support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.
We fully condemn all human rights violations against Ukrainian citizens. We call on the international community, as well as the Ukrainian side, to investigate these violations.
We stand for peace and… support the European Union's steps to help Ukraine achieve peace," István Íjgyártó said.
But according to media reports, the idea of an oil embargo is opposed by Hungary and Slovakia. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán even compared the embargo to an "atomic bomb" for the Hungarian economy.
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