There’s no parade in Mariupol, but occupiers try to create that image for russian TV, mayor’s adviser says

russian invaders have unfolded 300 meters of "St. George's ribbon" in blockaded Mariupol and are trying to create a picture for russian TV with the help of "touring artists" from the occupied territories.

The adviser to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko reported about it on Telegram.

According to Andriushchenko, the invaders stretched 300 meters of a striped rag, the "St. George's ribbon," banned in Ukraine, on one of the central streets of Mariupol, almost destroyed by shelling, Nakhimova Avenue. And all this amid cannonade from Azovstal, where the enemy resumed the assault on Ukrainian defenders.

According to locals, people/volunteers from Novoazovsk and Donetsk were brought to carry the "ribbon." Mostly russians. Elderly people from Mariupol were involved by selection.

"The excitement and joy on the street along the convoy are not particularly noticeable. People are lured to the square because of the promises of field cuisine and additional sets of food. Putlerjungens on the ground. Eternal fire from Moscow, on the ground. Occupiers on the ground. Collaborationistson the ground. There are no Mariupol people. Something went wrong with the holiday. Because Mariupol is Ukraine, not Muscovy," he said.

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