
Occupiers launch a missile strike on Odesa during European Council President’s visit

On May 9, occupation forces launched a missile strike on Odesa during a visit to the city by European Council President Charles Michel.

This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal.

During the trip to Odesa, Michel met with Denys Shmyhal and Mayor Hennadii Trukhanov. In particular, officials visited a house destroyed by a russian missile, which killed a three-month-old girl, her mother, and grandmother.

"Terrible suffering that came to this and thousands of other Ukrainian families. We must stop russia and bring it to justice. The European Union is with us in this struggle," Shmyhal stressed.

Michel said that he arrived in Odesa to celebrate Europe Day, which is celebrated in the EU on May 9.

"I came to celebrate Europe Day in Odesa, the city where Pushkin said that 'you can feel Europe.' And where today the Ukrainian people shield their monuments from bullets and rockets and their freedom from Russian aggression. You are not alone. The EU stands with you," Michel wrote.

According to the South Operational Command, on the morning of May 9, the occupiers struck four Oniks missiles in the Odesa region from the Bastion missile complex, which is located in the occupied Crimea.

According to the head of the Odesa Regional State Administration, Maksym Marchenko, the infrastructure in one of the districts of the region was damaged as a result of the impact.

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