Zelensky: Ukraine perceives phrase ‘Never again’ differently this year

On May 8, Ukraine, along with the entire civilized world, honors everyone who defended the planet from Nazism during World War II, but the phrase "Never Again" is perceived differently this year.

"This year we say 'Never again' differently. We hear 'Never Again' differently. It sounds painful, cruel. Without an exclamation, but with a question mark. You say, 'Never again'. Tell Ukraine about it," President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said in his video address on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation.

According to him, on May 8, our country, together with the entire civilized world, commemorates everyone who died during World War II: millions of lives lost, mutilated destinies, tortured souls and millions of reasons to tell evil: "Never again".

"We knew the price our ancestors paid for this courage, we knew how important it was to preserve it and pass it on to our descendants, but we had no idea that our generation would witness abuse of words that turned out to be not true for everyone," the President emphasized.

In turn, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhny called the Armed Forces of Ukraine the first army of peace.

"Never again … Unfortunately, this is not the case. A bloody insidious war is again ongoing in the center of Europe. The aggressor cynically uses the memory and terms of World War II. But we will endure. We are strong. The Armed Forces of Ukraine is the first army of peace. We defeated Nazism and we will defeat Ruscism! Eternal memory to the victims of World War II! Glory to the Ukrainian soldiers!" Zaluzhny posted on Telegram.

On May 8, Ukraine marks the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation to commemorate the victims of World War II.

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