The relevant statement was made by Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine to the Federal Republic of Germany Andrij Melnyk in a commentary to RND.
"We are shocked that the Berlin Police has banned Ukrainian flags from being flown on May 8-9. This is a slap in the face of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people," Melnyk said.
In his words, the Ukrainian flag was banned from being flown in Germany's capital city just like the Russian flag, under which the worst war crimes are committed against Ukrainian civilians and dozens of thousands of Ukrainian women and children.
"This not only shows a lack of tact; it is a catastrophic political decision," Melnyk added.
According to Melnyk, one can understand the efforts of the police to ensure safety, but the fact that the victim and perpetrators are equated is simply outrageous.
Melnyk called on Berlin Mayor Franziska Giffey and Interior Senator Iris Spranger to immediately revoke that questionable decision.
Later, Melnyk told Ukrinform that the Berlin authorities, unfortunately, were not planning to cancel this shameful decision.
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