This was stated by the Chief of Staff of the US Army James McConville and US Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth in a joint statement to the US Senate Armed Services Committee during the review of defense finance for 2023 and the Defense of the Future program, Voice of America reports.
"The plan russia had is very complex. It requires very trained and disciplined soldiers. They didn't have that ability. They didn't have enough trained soldiers," McConville said.
General McConville noted that russia needed a much better logistics system to carry out such a military plan.
The general also stressed that the actions of the Ukrainian leadership were very important: "On the part of Ukraine, it is important what the leadership is doing. The Prime Minister of Ukraine has stayed. Everyone in the Ukrainian government has stayed to defend the country."
"Ukrainians may not have the same strengths and abilities as russia, but Ukrainians have the will. When you build a cohesive team, it matters. It's different from what we've seen elsewhere," McConville added.
He also stressed the importance of US allies and partners in providing logistics to support Ukraine.
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