Ukraine’s Security Service is launching 2 new chatbots to search for looters and traitors

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is launching 2 new chatbots: to identify traitors and looters

Rubryka reports, referring to the Facebook page of the SBU press center.

According to them, with the help of chatbots, every citizen will be able to quickly help the Ukrainian special services to expose criminals.

To the Traitor Search chatbot, citizens can send information about:

  • traitors and collaborationists who cooperated with the occupiers;
  • Internet agents who "leak" important information to the enemy or distribute content on social media in support of the invaders.

The second chatbot, Stop Marauder, is designed to gather information about looters who steal someone else's property during the war.

These data will be verified and posted on the SBU website:

The official STOP Russian War chatbot also continues to function effectively.

The intelligence service emphasizes that since the first days of the invasion, thousands of reports have been received about enemy positions and equipment. And thanks to this, the Ukrainian military inflicted significant losses on the russian occupiers.

"That's why we continue to defend Ukraine with a common front!" the SBU stressed.

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