Rubryka reports referring to the Facebook page of the South Operational Command press service.
According to the military, during the past 24 hours, the enemy, consolidating its defensive positions, did not take active action in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions.
"However, Mykolaiv and the surrounding areas were shelled by multiple-rocket launching systems. Again, the enemy fired at industrial facilities. Fortunately, no casualties were reported.
In the Kherson region, an attempt by enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group to seize our observation post was suppressed by mortar fire and thwarted.
Instead, our missile and artillery units performed more than a hundred fire tasks.
As a result, the enemy lost 122 ruscists in one day," the statement said.
The South Operational Command reports that two more armored assault boats were shot at dawn, several more units of armored and automobile equipment were added to the bunch, as well as an outpost reconnaissance drone trying to enter Odesa from the sea.
"Thanks to the accurate work of our air defense, it was destroyed," the statement said.
The military stressed that the enemy continued to destroy the bridge across the Dniester estuary by firing Yakhont cruise missiles.
The Oniks missile fired from the Bastion complex from the occupied Crimea destroyed a residential building in Odesa. A 15-year-old child died, another minor was taken to hospital with injuries, the South Operational Command was added.
"The extended curfew in Odesa continues. Thanks to the measures taken, including effective counter-sabotage work, the 8th anniversary of the tragic events of May 2, 2014, passed without provocations and gross violations of public order," the military said.
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