Osnat Lubrani, UN Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in Ukraine, announced this.
"I am relieved to confirm that the operation on a safe passage from Mariupol was successfully completed.
I think of all those who are trapped. We will do everything possible to help them," said Lubrani.
Lubrani said that she was traveling in buses with Mariupol residents, who were successfully removed from Mariupol on May 1. People told her the details of being in the Azovstal bunkers, which Lubrani compared to "hell."
156 people arrived in Zaporizhzhia on five evacuation buses.
Photo: UP
The evacuees from Mariupol told reporters that on May 2, buses were awaiting inspections by the occupiers in Manhush near Mariupol. At around 8 am on May 3, the column moved in the direction of Zaporizhzhia.
In Zaporizhzhia, they were met by volunteers, staff from international organizations, including the United Nations, and Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk.
The evacuees were provided with adequate food and drinking water.
Photo: UP
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