The spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine,
Oleksandr Motuzianyk announced it, NV reports.
"The situation in Mariupol is extremely difficult. The occupiers continue to blockade our units near the Azovstal plant. Humanitarian corridors are being blocked," he said at a briefing.
Motuzianyk added that there were some agreements with the occupiers to organize an evacuation corridor for Mariupol residents on May 2.
"Mostly the city is under the control of the russian armed forces, where russian troops are committing crimes, trying to take measures to filter the population. We have information that the population is forcibly deported to the territory of the russian federation. This is the current situation," he said.
Mariupol was blocked by the russian occupiers for two months. They systematically shell the city's civilian infrastructure, with no water, electricity, heat, or communications. According to preliminary estimates, up to 22,000 civilians were killed by russian attacks.
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