US House of Representatives has supported the law on land lease and protection of democracy in Ukraine

The law on land lease and protection of democracy in Ukraine was considered by the House of Representatives and passed today in the United States.

This was announced by the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andrii Yermak.

"What does this law change for Ukraine? The text of the document refers to giving the US president expanded powers to transfer or lease to Ukraine defense equipment to 'protect civilians from russia's military invasion' and for other purposes.

  • After the act is approved, the chairman of the White House is obliged to establish expedited procedures for product delivery within 60 days.
  • The Land Lease Act provides an opportunity to significantly speed up the supply of arms, transportation, food, and aid from the United States. And all this will allow us to drive the russian army out of our territories.
  • It should also be understood that the lease means the US confidence in Ukraine's victory over russia.

This is an important victory for our indomitable people, who were able to unite the civilized world in the fight against russian evil. We will destroy russia together," he said.

The land lease program was created during World War II: then the law on the land lease was passed by the US Congress on March 11, 1941. It allowed the United States to quickly replenish its allies.

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