The relevant statement is posted on the EC's website, European Pravda reports.
"This proposal is an unprecedented gesture of support for the country in a state of war.
It envisages the suspension of all EU anti-dumping and safeguarding measures on Ukrainian steel exports for one year," the statement said.
It also stressed that this step is designed to help increase Ukraine's exports to the European Union and alleviate the plight of Ukrainian producers and exporters in the war with russia.
"The EU has never before taken such unprecedented measures to liberalize trade: providing Ukraine with zero tariffs, zero quotas for access to the EU market. These measures will directly help Ukrainian producers and exporters.
They will add confidence to the Ukrainian economy and send a strong signal that the EU will do everything possible to help Ukraine in a difficult time," said Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Trade.
The European Union also added that they are already taking measures on the ground to help export Ukrainian products.
The Commission has already begun liberalizing conditions for Ukrainian truck drivers transporting goods between Ukraine and the EU.
Transit and the use of EU infrastructure to direct Ukrainian exports to third countries will also be facilitated.
The European Commission's proposal must now be considered and approved by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.
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