11:30 27 Apr 2022

US House Committee will consider a bill of land lease for Ukraine

The Standing Committee of the US House of Representatives on Wednesday will consider a bill on land lease for Ukraine

This was reported on the committee's website, Rubryka reports.

According to the website, the committee will meet at 14:00 local time (21:00 Kyiv time) in the Capitol to consider Act S. 3522, The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022.

As reported by Rubryka, on April 7, the US Senate unanimously passed a bill to restore the program that was during World War II.

This program will allow President Joe Biden to more effectively send weapons and other supplies to Ukraine amid russia's invasion.

The Ukrainian military has proven that it can repel russian troops.

Therefore, the senators quickly supported the proposal, known as the lease.

The bill must now be approved by the House of Representatives.

Тому сенатори швидко підтримали пропозицію, відому як ленд-ліз.

Тепер законопроєкт повинна схвалити Палата представників.

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