This was reported by the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
"Today I can say that the embargo has become acceptable to Germany," the politician said after meeting with his Polish counterpart, Anna Moskva, in Warsaw.
The share of russian oil in the German market is only about 12 percent. And this share falls exclusively on supplies for the PCK refinery in Schwedt an der Oder.
"Here we are looking for an alternative. This alternative is the task of the coming days," Habeck said.
He assumes that the issue will be resolved in a few days. Prior to the meeting in Warsaw, it was said that the Polish port of Gdansk could play an important role in securing the supply of Schwedt. The Schwedt is connected to the pipeline from russia and is controlled by the russian company Rosneft.
Until now, Gabeck has always stressed that independence from russian oil cannot be achieved by the end of the year and that an immediate embargo will cause serious damage to the German economy.
The member states of the European Union don't agree on a full embargo or increase in tariffs on imports of russian oil and gas.
Germany, which receives most of its natural gas from russia, has strongly opposed cutting off oil and gas supplies until it finds sufficient alternative sources of supply.
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