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Rubryka reports.
This event, which was later called the tragedy of the twentieth century, became the greatest man-made disaster.
Then, during the explosion at the fourth power unit of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, there was a large release of radioactive substances into the environment. The force of the explosion was equal to 500 bombs, the ones that were once dropped on Hiroshima.
Strong radioactive radiation struck the area within a radius of 30 kilometers from the scene. However, the scale of the accident was much larger.
Radiation spread rapidly in some parts of Belarus and reached Europe.
Residents of the surrounding regions learned about the Chornobyl accident only a few days later.
Not only specialized fire brigades but also civilians were involved in extinguishing the fire. During these works, many people received lethal doses of radiation.
Photo: Rubryka
In the 2000s, the world community joined forces to solve the "Chornobyl problem."
This tragedy took the lives of thousands of people, turned forests and fields into an exclusion zone, and caused enormous damage to Europe's environment.
Thousands of sons and daughters of Ukraine then went to fight against the unknown element. Unfortunately, we have already lost many of them.
Today, Ukrainians are once again on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe.
With the beginning of the invasion, the russian occupiers seized the Chornobyl nuclear power plant, endangering the entire world.
The invaders are indifferent to the unspeakable suffering of "radiation sickness," to the liquidators who saved their own lives at the cost of their own health.
For the third month in a row, Ukrainians have been fighting the invasion of the occupiers every day and preventing a terrible catastrophe from happening again.
A low bow to the liquidators who saved the world from the consequences of the Chornobyl tragedy 36 years ago.
A low bow to all Ukrainians who today continue to protect us from a recurrence of global disaster.
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