Lloyd Austin: The United States will “move heaven and earth” to support Ukraine

A strategic meeting of the Advisory Group on Defense of Ukraine with the participation of more than 40 countries is held at the US Air Force Base Ramstein in Germany

This was reported by the European Pravda.

As noted, so do those who are not members of NATO.

The meeting was attended by including the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov.

In an early speech, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called the meeting historic, noting that its goal was to help Ukraine win the war launched by the russian invasion and prepare Ukraine's defense capabilities for future challenges.

He said that after his visit to Kyiv he was convinced of the urgency of Ukraine's defense needs.

"The trip to Kyiv has strengthened my admiration for the way the Ukrainian army uses these weapons. Ukraine clearly believes it can win, and so does everyone in this room. Ukraine needs our help to win, and it will need our help when the war is over," said the head of the Pentagon.

He also stressed that many capitals share this opinion.

In his speech, Austin noted Ukraine's courageous opposition to the russian invasion for 62 days.

The Pentagon chief stressed that while Russia was waging war over putin's personal ambitions, Ukraine was out of necessity, defending its sovereignty and democracy.

"But the stakes go far beyond Ukraine and even Europe. russia's invasion is unjustified, irresponsible, and illegal, it is an attack on a world order based on rules and a challenge to free people around the world… Like-minded countries united in supporting Ukraine in this fight against imperial russian aggression," he said.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has said the United States will "move heaven and earth" to support Ukraine.

As reported by Rubryka, on April 26 at the Ramstein Air Base in the Federal Republic of Germany a meeting of heads of defense departments of more than 40 countries began, dedicated to military assistance to Ukraine.

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