This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba on Twitter, Rubryka reports.
Kuleba stressed that russia was losing all hope of scaring the world away from supporting Ukraine.
This is where the "real" danger of the Third World came from.
"It only means that Moscow is losing in Ukraine. Therefore, the world must support us even more so that we can win and defend European and global security," the minister said.
The day before, russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that there was a "real danger of the outbreak of World War III."
He also said the risk of nuclear war was real and that the danger "could not be underestimated."
Lavrov also said that the russian-Ukrainian war would end with the signing of an agreement, but everything would depend on the course of hostilities.
"As in any situation where the armed forces are used, of course, everything will end in an agreement, but the parameters of this agreement will be determined by the stage of hostilities during which this agreement will become a reality," Lavrov said.
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