He made such a statement following a meeting in Germany dedicated to supporting Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.
"We cannot waste time," the Pentagon chief said, stressing that Ukraine needed weapons and equipment immediately.
He noted that thanks to all the countries that responded immediately and provided much-needed assistance to the Armed Forces, this was of great importance on the battlefield.
"So countries around the world are stepping up to meet Ukraine's urgent needs," Austin said.
He welcomed Germany's decision to hand over 50 anti-aircraft armored vehicles to Ukraine, as well as the British government's latest statement on providing Ukraine with additional air defense equipment, calling it an "important step."
The Pentagon chief also noted that during a meeting in Rammstein and hearing reports from military leaders, they explained why the coming weeks would be crucial for Ukraine.
"So we have to move on. And I know that all the leaders (present at the meeting – ed.) today will be more determined than ever to support Ukraine in its fight against russian aggression and atrocities," Austin said.
He also noted that the allies would meet for such meetings every month to discuss the strategy of war in Ukraine.
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