Airbnb has announced partnership programs to accommodate 100,000 Ukrainian refugees

The online housing search and rental service has announced a number of new partnerships with charities to offer free temporary housing for IDPs from Ukraine

This was reported by

Airbnb said it was working with Global Empowerment Mission, EURORDIS and Planting Peace, and has continued partnerships with Refugees Welcome Italia and Rescate in Italy, Red Acoge and Diaconía Madrid in Spain and Bienvenida in Germany to offer housing to refugees.

Other previously reported partnerships with to provide free short-term housing across Europe include the International Organization for Migration, HIAS, Nova Ukraine and Save the Children Sweden. They also work with the German government and the federal government in the United States. The latter said it could take up to 100,000 refugees.

The newspaper reports that as of April 25, the nonprofit had helped nearly 11,000 people get temporary housing in Europe.

Michael Capponi, President of the Global Empowerment Mission, said: "We are very grateful for our partnership with in this tragic situation in Ukraine. Thanks to this incredible program, GemBstrong has already been able to accommodate 1,257 people in comfortable homes."

EURORDIS is a non-governmental alliance of patient organizations, representing 995 organizations for patients with rare diseases in 74 countries. With the support of, he will coordinate with a community of health care providers to help patients with a wide range of rare diseases leaving Ukraine. added that more than 33,000 people have registered to offer their homes to refugees through the program, including more than 20,000 in Europe and about 7,000 in the United States.

In addition, the co-founders of Airbnb have promised to donate up to $10 million at the initiative of the company.

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