Фото: Рresident.gov.ua
The relevant statement was made by Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak in an interview with France's TF1 TV channel.
"The fact that the war in Ukraine continues, our people, our children are being killed, makes it clear that the current sanctions policy is insufficient. It needs to be strengthened. It needs to be updated; new sanctions need to be developed constantly," Yermak told.
In his words, the EU's support for a full embargo on energy, Russian gas and oil, as well as sanctions against all Russian banks, are very important to Ukraine.
According to Yermak, it is important to elaborate sanctions recognizing Russia as a country that sponsors terrorism.
"Also, in my opinion, the issue of including Russia in the FATF blacklist should be considered, following the example of other countries to which such measures have already been applied," Yermak added.
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