This is stated in a statement by EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell on Friday, according to the UP.
"For weeks now, the world has witnessed russia's brutal illegal attack on Mariupol, leading to widespread destruction of the city, including atrocities against civilians under the perverse pretext of 'liberating' the city. Thousands of residents have been deported to russia or forcibly relocated territory of Ukraine, forcibly relocated to territories, not controlled by the Ukrainian government," Borrel said.
According to him, despite the massacre staged by russia, more than 100,000 civilians remain in Mariupol, including about a thousand people who may have taken refuge at the Azovstal metallurgical plant, which is protected by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The EU thanks Ukraine for its efforts to find a diplomatic solution for the evacuation of civilians and regrets that russia is not reciprocal.
"The EU supports Ukraine's appeal to the kremlin to allow the safe evacuation of civilians in Mariupol. Humanitarian corridors must be set up immediately with the necessary ceasefire guarantees: from Azovstal and other parts of the city to other parts of Ukraine.
"Free and secure access must be provided for those who provide humanitarian aid, in accordance with the basic principles of human rights and international humanitarian law," the EU foreign minister said in a statement.
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