This was announced by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Liudmyla Denisova.
According to her, the girl and her grandmother applied to the ombudswoman's special telephone line for confidential psychological help and gave permission to publish their story.
The girl in a state of psychological shock lived with the corpses in the house for four days, and only after the liberation of the city was she able to get to her grandmother.
She said that while her relatives were being killed, she was being held and not touched, "because I'm ugly," saying: "Live and pass on to others." Psychologists are currently working with her.
As Denisova noted, since April 1, since the beginning of the Ombudsman's special telephone line for psychological assistance, created with the support of UNICEF, more than 400 people have applied to her.
There are five psychologists and psychiatrists on the line. Most appeals are due to sexual crimes committed by the russian military. Their number is growing every day.
If you or your relatives need the help of a psychologist, call +380 (66) 037 97 08 (in messengers or by phone). The help is completely confidential.
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