
Zelenskyy’s Office explains the restoration process of the territories liberated from occupation

In the Kyiv region and other regions of Ukraine, the infrastructure of the territories liberated from the occupiers is being restored.

This was announced on Friday by Deputy Head of the Office of the President, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, UNN reports.

"The infrastructure of the territories liberated from the occupiers is being restored. 380 workers and 130 units of equipment are carefully cleaning the suburbs of Kyiv. To date, 113 km of roads and streets have been cleaned; in Bucha, it's over 30 km of roads; in Borodianka, 20 km, Vorzel, 8 km; Hostomel, 4. In total, more than 300 km of roads and streets of the Kyiv region were cleared," Tymoshenko said.

According to him, traffic on seven crossings has been resumed in the Kyiv region, and work is underway to build eight crossings near the destroyed bridges. Also, road workers plan to resume crossings on the highway in the Zhytomyr region within a month; due to the russian-Ukrainian war on the M21 highway, the bridge across the river was destroyed. Citizens have to make almost a 30-kilometer hook. The temporary crossing will have two lanes to ensure traffic in both directions.

As a result of the missile strike on Brovary, 72% of the city was de-energized. Electricity and water supply services have been fully restored, Tymoshenko said.

In addition, according to the deputy head of the OP, the Irpinvodokanal water supply company has completely launched water supply to the entire Bucha system, but due to lack of electricity, water is still available only where houses are located below the water supply networks. Mobile service was partially restored in the city.

In Borodianka, specialists will be able to completely restore the sewerage system in the near future. In Bucha, the installation of windows in houses has begun. During the past 24hrs, the light was connected to 29 settlements, and 91 settlements in the Kyiv region have already restored gas supply.

SES units have fully resumed work in the liberated Chornobyl, Ivankiv, and Dymer, Tymoshenko said. Infrastructure is being actively rebuilt in the Kharkiv region. In Kharkiv, the gas supply to five residential buildings that were damaged during the shelling has been restored.

In Balaklia, according to the official, residents of the city can already use a gas stove or oven.

Utility workers are repairing Kharkiv's housing stock, closing windows, repairing roofs, water supply, and heating networks, and cleaning parks.

"Derhachi is back with electricity. 2,200 consumers have been connected. In the villages of Yemtsi and Shovkopliasy, gas supply has been completely restored to all subscribers," he said.

Tymoshenko also said that fighting had been going on in the Chernihiv region for more than a month, part of the region had been occupied, and the enemy was destroying infrastructure. As a result of the fighting, more than 600 km of roads and 20 bridges within the region were damaged. So far, road workers have rebuilt the driveway near the four destroyed buildings, organizing temporary detours. Work is underway on three temporary structures this week.

At the same time, work has begun on pit repairs on transport corridors leading to Kyiv.

"Sumy region is also putting things in order; specialists are inspecting apartment buildings affected by the bombings. All territorial communities in the region are temporarily connected to the electricity grid in order to restore electricity supply to the population as soon as possible," he added.

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