Rubryka reports, referring to a video statement on April 20.
The President clarified that the police had already resumed work in 435 settlements.
Local self-government in 431 communities has also started working, and humanitarian headquarters have started working in 361 settlements.
"We are gradually restoring people's access to medical and educational services, and social security agencies," Zelenskyy added.
He noted that among the biggest threats were mines and tripwires planted by the occupiers, as well as unexploded ordnance.
In addition, the president noted that the situation in the east and south of the country remained "as harsh as possible": the occupiers do not give up trying to win at least some victory, at least something that they can "feed" to their propagandists.
At the same time, Zelenskyy noted that the partners began to better understand the needs of Ukraine.
The President stressed that Ukraine would do everything possible to bring to justice every russian serviceman and commander guilty of war crimes.
In addition, he awarded 203 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with state awards, 49 of them posthumously. Five servicemen were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.
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