Spiegel: Scholz may face resignation due to delays in providing heavy weapons to Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz may lose his seat in office due to his indecisive stance over the war in Ukraine

The German newspaper Spiegel reported this.

According to the article, the opposition can take advantage of the situation.

"The leader of the CDU party, Friedrich Merz, may submit proposals for the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine at the meeting, which will lead to a reconsideration of the positions of all major German political forces," Spiegel writes.

The publication notes that disputes over Germany's contribution to the Ukrainian army have recently gained momentum, and even representatives of coalition parties are increasingly expressing their dissatisfaction with Scholz's course.

The leader of the trade union parliamentary group, Johann Wadephul, who is in charge of foreign and defense policy, has said he intends to support the federal government in the crisis.

But, according to him, if the Chancellor continues to oppose the supply of heavy weapons to Ukraine, he should expect a corresponding application from the CDU faction next week.

"If the CDU and the CSU make their proposal now, it would be a clear rejection of the classical policy of the opposition. It was even more, a kind of signal to the fall of the Chancellor.

Because given Scholz's criticism in his own ranks, it cannot be ruled out that even the majority in the Bundestag may win the bid, and this is an issue that directly affects the head of government's course.

And here Scholz would be so weakened that he would actually have to ask for a quota of confidence, that is, to secure a majority in the Bundestag," the newspaper said.

Earlier, Politico reported that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was delaying the final decision on providing Ukraine with tanks to fight the war with russia, despite pressure from coalition partners.

At the same time, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said that Ukraine needed to supply heavy weapons.

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