russian occupiers arranged mass graves for killed Mariupol residents in Manhush, adviser to mayor reports

russian invaders set up several mass graves in the village of Manhush, where the bodies of killed Mariupol residents are transported by trucks

Rubryka reports, citing the Telegram of Mariupol Mayor's Adviser Petro Andriushchenko.

"Mariupol. As of now. War crimes. As a result of a long search and identification of places of mass burial of the dead Mariupol residents, we have established the fact of their arrangement and mass burial in the village of Manhush.

In the area of ​​the bypass road, the occupiers built several mass graves up to 30 meters each, and the bodies of the dead were transported by trucks, in fact, simply dumping them on the embankment," Andriushchenko wrote.

The mayor's adviser noted that all the bodies were placed in plastic bags.

This confirms the information previously announced by the authorities that the occupiers are accumulating the bodies of the dead in another place, in the area of ​​the industrial zone in Mariupol.

Andriushchenko stressed that this was "direct evidence of war crimes and attempts to hide them."

He also published satellite images of mass graves.

Photo: Telegram/Andriushchenko

To recap, on April 19, it became known that the russian occupiers in Mariupol try to "legalize" the burial of bodies of civilians.

They collect data on the dead and missing Mariupol residents, and they also monitor relatives' search groups on social media.

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