Rubryka reports, referring to the Facebook of the Kyiv Region Police.
According to the police, on April 20, two burial places of civilians killed by the russian occupiers were found in the village of Borodianka.
"Two 35-year-old comrades were in the same grave, and a 15-year-old teenage girl was nearby.
In the second place of burial, law enforcement officers found the bodies of six people: 4 men and 2 women.
The identities of the four were identified as local residents, but the names of the two dead are still unknown," the statement said.
The police added that the bodies of all the dead were taken to the morgue of the Kyiv region for further examination.
The identified bodies will later be handed over to relatives for burial.
"These people were killed by the occupiers. Some of the dead have signs of torture. I want to emphasize that these people are civilians," said Kyiv Police Chief Andrii Nebytov.
"The russian military deliberately shot dead civilians who did not offer any resistance or pose any threat," he said.
As Rubryka reported, 900 bodies of civilians killed by the russian military have already been found in the Kyiv region. Most victims are in Bucha.
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