Zelenskyy says he’s confident that the European Union will impose an oil embargo

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expresses confidence in the introduction of the oil embargo and is waiting for a decision on the next sanctions package.

He told reporters in Kyiv after a meeting with European Council President Charles Michel, the EP reports.

"We call on the EU to impose a full energy embargo on oil and gas. Oil should definitely be included in the sixth sanctions package, without which it will not be powerful, but empty," the president said.

When asked by a German journalist about Germany's reluctance to impose an energy embargo, Zelenskyy said he had different expectations about oil.

"It seems to me that the EU countries are ready to impose an embargo," he said, adding that the successful introduction of a ban on russian coal exports was an example.

"We managed to impose a coal embargo, but at the insistence of Germany, they postponed it for four months. And I think that under pressure from all other EU countries, the embargo will be imposed," said Zelenskyy.

European Council President Charles Michel also hinted at such hopes.

"We need to maximize the pressure on the kremlin," he said.

As you know, the EU oil embargo against russia is being discussed among the measures of the sixth package of sanctions.

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