Weapons for Ukraine: Flashmob #ArmUkraineNow is gaining popularity on social media

Global flash mob calling to provide weapons to Ukraine is gaining popularity on social media #ArmUkraineNow

This was announced on Facebook by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Rubryka reports.

"A global flashmob on social media in support of Ukraine #ArmUkraineNow is spreading around the world; "provide Ukraine with weapons immediately"!

Advocacy for the provision of weapons is now a top priority for every Ukrainian.

Our courageous army does not have enough heavy weapons. Only after its rapid provision will Ukraine be able to confidently win, save the lives of innocent people and stop this evil," the General Staff said.

To join, you must meet three simple conditions:

  • Take a photo with a piece of paper, phone, tablet, etc. on which the text "Arm Ukraine Now" will be written.
  • Post your photo with the poster on one or more social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Write a short appeal to the world community to provide Ukraine with heavy weapons.

  • In your post, pass the baton of the flash mob to at least three friends/public figures (politicians, artists, athletes, other authorities).

Be sure to add the hashtag #ArmUkraineNow to your post.

As reported by the media, actress and TV presenter Dasha Trehubova, actor and director Akhtem Seitablaev, little Ukrainian actress Polina Hromova joined the flashmob #We NeedWarms.

They recite the poem of the Polish poet Zbigniew Jasinski "We need weapons" in Ukrainian

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