This was stated in a video address of Volyna, which was published on Facebook by journalist Natalia Nahorna.
"This is our appeal to the world. This may be our last appeal. We may have a few days or hours left.
The enemy group exaggerates us dozens of times. They have dominance in the air, in the artillery, in groups operating on land, in equipment and tanks.
We are defending at one site, the factory where the Mariupol garrison soldiers and civilians were trapped in the war.
We turn to world leaders to help us. We ask you to apply the "extraction" procedure to us and take us to the territory of a third country.
The Mariupol military garrison includes more than 500 wounded soldiers and hundreds of civilians, including women and children.
We ask for security in a third country," said the Marine commander.
As reported by Rubryka, on the night of April 20, Serhii Volynskyi (Volyna) distributed a written appeal in which he voiced two options for saving Mariupol: a military one with a lightning operation, or a political one through agreements.
Turkey has been negotiating this, but so far they have not yielded results.
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