Rubryka reports, referring to the Telegram-channel of the Mariupol City Council.
As reported by Rubryka, the evacuation from Mariupol to Zaporizhzhia will start today at 2 p.m.
The gathering place for people to get on the bases is determined. It's Tahanrozka Street near the beer plant.
With the further collection in two locations:
Peremohy Avenue, 1 near the plant administration of the Azovstal plant.
Shevchenka Boulevard on the turnaround near the Port City mall.
The route is Mariupol- Manhush – Berdiansk – Tokmak – Orikhiv – Zaporizhzhia.
"Dear Mariupol residents, during these long and difficult day, you've been surviving in the unhumane conditions. You've been in the informational isolation.
You might've heard different things. I want you to know the main thing: we're waiting for you in Zaporizhzhia. It's safe there.
Don't be afraid to evacuate to Zaporizhzhia where you will get the necessary help: food, medicine, things of crucial necessity. And most important things is that you'll safe.
200 thousands Mariupol residents managed to leave the city. These people are in safety now. Dear Mariupol residents, Ukraine is waiting for you. We're waiting for you.
I address the Mariupol residents who have already left and are now in safety. If your relatives are still in Mariupol, try in any way to contact them with all methods possible.
Call, text, say that there's an opportunity to go to Zaporizhzhia," said Mariupol Mayor.
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