This was reported by
According to the publication, the total length of the blood clot exceeded 40 cm.
A 54-year-old patient from Lutsk was admitted to the heart surgery clinic at Lviv National Medical University. He complained of severe shortness of breath at rest.
After the diagnosis, doctors in Lviv found a significant blood clot in the man with a total length of more than 40 centimeters.
During computed tomography, the cardiac surgeon confirmed the diagnosis: pulmonary embolism.
According to doctors, the patient's condition was critical.
The man had a blood clot because he underwent surgery to remove his gallbladder two weeks ago.
According to Liubomyr Kulyk, a professor at the Medical University, after such operations patients have an increased risk of developing blood clots in the lower extremities. Therefore, for prevention, drugs are prescribed to patients.
However, they not only formed in the man but also reached the pulmonary artery through the bloodstream.
According to the professor, one-third of patients with this diagnosis die immediately, and two-thirds have a high risk of death if they do not receive timely qualified care.
It was impossible to dissolve a blood clot of this length with medication, as the man's body had not yet fully recovered from the operation and there was a high risk of internal bleeding.
The operation was performed without cardiac arrest in the conditions of artificial circulation. The thrombus blocked the right and partially left pulmonary arteries and moved into the right part of the heart. A few hours of holdup could lead to death.
The operation was successful, and the patient has already gone home to recover.
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