This is stated in the database (Ukraine Support Tracker) of the Kiel Institute of World Economy (IfW Kiel), according to the UP with reference to the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
According to the publication, since the beginning of the war of aggression against Ukraine, Estonia has promised aid amounting to almost 0.8% of its own GDP. It is followed by Poland with less than 0.2% and Lithuania with less than 0.1%.
In monetary terms, the largest commitments were made by the United States, amounting to about 7.6 billion euros.
They are followed by Poland, Great Britain, and Germany.
According to the institute, all EU countries together have promised assistance of about 2.9 billion euros, plus 1.4 billion euros from the EU institutions and 2 billion euros from the European Investment Bank.
According to the institute, Ukraine Support Tracker systematically records the cost of support that the governments of 31 Western countries have promised Ukraine.
This includes well-known military, financial and humanitarian aid.
"The database is designed to support the discussion of Ukraine's support with the facts," said Christoph Trebes, Ukraine Support Tracker's director of research at IfW Kiel.
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