This was announced by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi.
He urged the liberated residents to be careful, "because the insidious enemy has left many mines, traps, and tripwires that pose a potential threat to the lives of civilians, especially children. Please be vigilant and report suspicious objects to the military command and State Emergency Service."
Zaluzhnyi stressed not to ignore air raid signals and to understand the presence of fortifications, checkpoints, and enhanced control measures.
"Please also refrain from publishing on social media and media publications about the consequences of enemy real-time shelling, as well as information about objects that could be potential targets for defeat by the enemy," the commander-in-chief added.
Valerii Zaluzhnyi noted that the threat from the sea in the southern direction was significantly reduced due to the sinking of the flagship of the russian Black Sea Fleet. However, there is still a danger of landing naval and airborne troops. Therefore, Ukraine continued to strengthen its air defense, in particular through logistical assistance from partner countries.
"Defense forces are steadily defending Mykolaiv from possible enemy attempts to resume the offensive and destroy the enemy in the suburbs of Kherson. We do not allow the enemy to advance in the direction of Zaporizhzhia. The heroic defense of the hero city of Mariupol continues. In particular, the destruction of the Saratov landing ship in the port of Berdiansk has reduced the risk of landing and fire from the sea," Zaluzhnyi said.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine noted that russia, having regrouped its forces and means, was trying to break through the defense in several directions, concentrating its main efforts on Izium. "The military command is strengthening the defense, especially with anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons," Zaluzhnyi added.
"Despite the overwhelming strength of the enemy in some areas, thanks to the acquired skills of commanders and combat experience of our soldiers, we are able to repel attacks, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. We maintain the fighting spirit and faith in Victory!" the commander-in-chief emphasized.
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