"All attempts by the enemy to capture Kharkiv were and will be in vain and will only lead to even greater losses among the occupiers. The city is under the reliable protection of the Armed Forces, we have repeatedly said that we have foreseen all the scenarios of the Russians. We are well prepared for everyone," the governor said on Telegram.
He informed that five people were killed and 20 others were wounded in Russian shelling of Kharkiv within a day.
"The Russian occupiers are terrorizing the civilian population of Kharkiv again. Which once again shows the weakness and despair of the enemy army. Today, in broad daylight, they fired from MLRS and artillery at the central part of the city, the residential area of Saltivka. Unfortunately, 20 people were injured and five were killed. Apartment buildings and other civilian infrastructure were damaged," Syniehubov said.
According to him, Ukrainian defenders are conducting several successful operations in the region, pushing back Russian forces from the regional center.
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