Serhiy Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration, said on Facebook.
According to him, new districts of Sievierodonetsk came under Russian fire last night.
"There is almost nothing to destroy there – most of the housing stock has been destroyed by the enemy over the past month and a half. However, the shelling of our youngest city in the region does not stop. On the night of April 16-17, three apartment buildings on the same street caught fire after being hit by a shell. And another apartment building – located not far away. Rescuers went to the site as soon as the Russians stopped firing. Numerous fires started in apartments. Information about the victims is being clarified," Haidai said.
According to the governor, 10 enemy attacks were repulsed in Luhansk and Donetsk regions on April 16. As many as 15 tanks, 3 artillery systems, 24 armored units and 10 units of enemy vehicles were destroyed.
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