The relevant statement was made by Luhansk Regional Military Administration on Telegram.
"Late in the evening, one man was found dead under the rubble of a vocational school in Kreminna. Three women were injured in shelling of Lysychansk. They were evacuated from the damaged house and timely provided with medical aid," the report states.
Russian troops opened fire on Sievierodonetsk, Lysychansk and Kreminna.
The central gas pipeline was damaged in Sievierodonetsk. In the morning, experts will estimate the time required for repair works. Repair works will also start within the water pipeline, which was damaged during the day. Currently, water and gas supplies n Sievierodonetsk have been interrupted.
Russian shells also hit a gas pipeline in Lysychansk, but the effects were much less significant.
In addition, residential houses and a fire station in Lysychansk were damaged, as well as food and industrial facilities in Sievierodonetsk (namely, stores in the old part of the city).
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