
Ukrainian, Georgian parliament speakers visit Bucha, Irpin

Ukrainian and Georgian parliament speakers Ruslan Stefanchuk and Shalva Papuashvili have visited the towns of Bucha and Irpin in the Kyiv region liberated from Russian invaders.

That's according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

Stefanchuk said that he and Papuashvili had an opportunity to see the scenes of crimes committed by the Russian army. In Bucha, they saw mass graves and observed the work of crime scene investigation experts.

According to Stefanchuk, it is important not just to hear but also to see the atrocities committed by Russian forces on Ukrainian territory.

He also thanked the Georgian people for their support of Ukraine and assistance to Ukrainian internally displaced persons, as well as for the fact that "some of your glorious knights stand side by side with Ukrainians for the independence of our state in this war."

For his part, Papuashvili noted that the Georgian delegation is in the Kyiv region to show solidarity with the Ukrainian people and respect for Ukrainian defenders.

"We had to see this and we also visited Bucha, where we witnessed aggression in the 21st century that has no borders and is inhumane. This, of course, reminded us of the pictures that we saw and were able to see in 2008 in Georgia, in the Tskhinvali region. And also during the events in Abkhazia," Papuashvili said.

Therefore, according to him, the Georgian people understand better than anyone else what the Ukrainian people feel today, and they understand very well how brave the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people are in resisting this Russian aggression.

"Therefore, the response to this aggression and atrocities must be not only military but also legal. Therefore, Georgia has appealed to the ICC and will ensure that all procedures are carried out by the [International] Criminal Court as soon as possible and legal assessments are given for the war crimes that were committed here, "Papuashvili said.

He noted that he had already shared Georgia's sad experience with Stefanchuk, and stressed the need for all these Russian crimes to be properly documented.

The Georgian speaker noted that during their stay in Bucha, they saw, among other things, that international experts from France were working there to record and document the crimes committed.

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