Rubryka reports, citing the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Foreign Ministry explained that the russian invaders continue to forcibly deport people, including children, from Ukraine.
"In violation of international law, the russian occupiers continue to resort to unacceptable actions: illegal and forced movement of Ukrainian citizens.
In particular, children, including orphans, children deprived of parental care, as well as children whose parents died as a result of russia's military aggression, across the state borders of our state into Russia," the agency said.
There is also a threat of illegal adoption of Ukrainian children by russian citizens without following all the necessary procedures set out in Ukrainian law.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is "concerned" about the intention of the Ministry of Education of the russian federation to sign "agreements" with the ORDLO, which would allow the transfer of orphans illegally deported from Ukraine to russian families.
According to the Foreign Ministry, such actions of the russian occupiers can be qualified as kidnapping and require a decisive reaction from the international community and relevant international organizations.
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