This was reported by the press service of the Verkhovna Rada.
Stefanchuk thanked Vystrčil and Grodzki, who were the first European parliamentarians to respond to his offer to visit Ukraine to see for themselves the consequences of the atrocities of russian troops and the domination of the "russian world."
"These are the first speakers who agreed to my proposal to go to Ukraine and see for themselves what flirting with russia, 'pacification of the aggressor,' the consequences of silence might be. I really want to thank Poland and the Czech Republic, our brothers, who never were silent. They have always been the first to speak about the need to resist russia. We have the opportunity to see for ourselves the genocide of the Ukrainian people, all possible and impossible war crimes. All this is documented, recorded," said the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament.
In addition, he said that the speakers of Georgia, Romania, and Switzerland had already expressed their readiness to visit Ukraine. Stefanchuk noted that their visit to European colleagues demonstrates not only their support for Ukraine but also courage and devotion to the ideals of good.
"In my deep conviction, the most effective communication is communication between nations. And communication between nations is possible through communication with bodies representing nations, with parliaments… The parliaments of Poland and the Czech Republic are those who are at the forefront of Ukraine's support. On behalf of the Ukrainian Parliament, I would like to thank you, your parliaments, for the decisions taken, the weapons transferred, the financial assistance, the strong sanctions, and, of course, for your support of Ukraine on the path to European integration," he added.
The Speaker of the Czech Parliament Milos Vystrčil expressed his readiness to tell those who still have doubts about russia's crimes in Ukraine the truth about the terrible events.
"We consider Ukraine an independent and democratic country. Even in such circumstances, the Ukrainian parliament works, and the Ukrainian state operates. And we want to say that we highly respect your courage, and your desire to live in an independent state. We in the Czech Republic and, I'm sure, people in Poland know that you are fighting not only for your own independence, for your own democracy, but also for ours. You are fighting here for the European values that have brought prosperity and prosperity to Europe," Vystrčil said.
At the same time, Marshal of the Polish Sejm Grodzki stressed that there is no justification for russia's brutal aggression against a free and independent country simply because it seeks to join the family of European, free countries.
"This war must end as soon as possible… Ukraine must be rebuilt as soon as possible, and all criminals must be punished accordingly. I deeply believe that the free world, through such blood and donations of the Ukrainian people, will be able to defeat the civilization of death and neglect of human life," he said.
On April 2, Irpin, Bucha, Hostomel, and the entire Kyiv region were reportedly liberated from russian invaders. Mass killings of Ukrainian civilians by russians have been recorded in liberated towns and villages.
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