Kharkiv region: Ukrainian special forces blew up a russian column moving towards Izium

Special forces blew up a bridge with enemy vehicles heading for Izium

Rubryka reports, referring to the Facebook page of the Special Operations Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The statement does not specify the exact date of the operation.

The military clarifies that a few days ago more enemy vehicles were found in the Kharkiv region: an armored car Tiger, Kamaz, and three Urals moving towards Izium to strengthen the enemy group.

"Having established the route of the enemy column, the operators of the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine carried out additional reconnaissance of the object that was most suitable for conducting an engineering ambush.

It was a bridge in the way of enemy vehicles. Next: painstaking professional work: determining the location of charges, and calculating the required amount of TNT equivalent.

Photo: Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Having planted the explosive in a designated place, the SOF operators of Ukraine were waiting for the enemy, who unsuspectingly went to meet death.

The bridge was blown up together with russian equipment according to a certain plan, destroying the entire enemy column.

Photo: Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

By blowing up the bridge with the russians, our operators with the help of UAVs confirmed the defeat of the target. After that, our colleagues from the Defense Forces of Ukraine completed the matter," the statement reads.


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