The Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, Major General Kyrylo Budanov announced this.
"russian special services are planning a series of terrorist attacks to mine and blow up houses, hospitals, and schools in russian settlements. As well as rocket and bomb attacks on the city of Belgorod or one of the cities of Crimea," he said.
According to the intelligence chief, the putin regime needs this to consolidate the russians against the Ukrainians after the failure of the mobilization plan in Russia.
Budanov believes that the terrorist attacks in russia's border regions could be presented as "revenge" of Ukrainian nationalists "for Bucha and Kramatorsk."
And also to justify the brutality of the russians against the Ukrainian civilian population.
The head of intelligence noted that in recent days the russian authorities "are increasingly accelerating the flywheel of anti-Ukrainian hysteria."
In particular, in the Belgorod and Kursk Oblasts, trenches are being actively dug, and panic is being fanned over the imaginary offensive of Ukrainian volunteer battalions and sabotage groups.
Budanov also stressed that the same scenario was used by russia in Chechnya, a series of "state security's terrorist attacks against russian apartment buildings" was the basis for the destruction of Chechnya.
The russian Defense Ministry said that two Ukrainian Mi-24 helicopters struck the airbase in Belgorod, russia, although in the first days of the war, the russian agency reported that it had destroyed all Ukrainian aircraft.
It was also reported that the Russian occupiers, who were taken out of Chornobyl, were planned to be transferred to the Belgorod region of the russian federation.
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