Bakanov on detaining Medvedchuk: Handcuffs waiting for traitors of Ukraine

Chief of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) Ivan Bakanov thanked the SSU officers for a lightning-fast and dangerous special operation to detain Viktor Medvedchuk.

"You can be a pro-Russian politician and work for the aggressor state for years. You can hide from justice lately. You can even wear a Ukrainian military uniform for disguise… But will it help you to avoid punishment? Not at all! Handcuffs are waiting for you. And for the same traitors of Ukraine as you!" Telegram channel of the SSU quotes Bakanov as saying.

He stressed that pro-Russian traitors and agents of the Russian secret services must remember: "your crimes have no statute of limitations. And there are no places when we can't find you!"

Bakanov thanked the SSU officers, including counterintelligence agents and investigators, who proved their professionalism and conducted this lightning-fast and dangerous multi-level special operation to detain MP Medvedchuk upon instructions from President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

"No traitor will avoid punishment. Every traitor will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law of Ukraine, for all the present-day crimes, which happened, including, due to their personal actions," Bakanov noted but did not disclose the details of the special operation.

As reported, it became known on February 27 that MP Viktor Medvedchuk, suspected of treason, escaped from house arrest.

The court put Medvedchuk on house arrest within two criminal cases – over producing oil and gas in the Black Sea and aiding and abetting the activities of a terrorist organization through the coal supply from the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas.

Medvedchuk has close personal relations with Russian president Vladimir Putin. Russian leader is the godfather to Medvedchuk's daughter.

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