
John Lennon’s son broke his promise to sing dad’s song Imagine

A son of the founder of the British rock band The Beatles John Lennon, Julian sang his father's most famous solo song Imagine for the first time publicly, thus breaking his long-standing promise never to perform it.

This was reported by the news agency ArmyInform.

"The war in Ukraine is an incredible tragedy. As a person and as an artist, I felt obliged to respond in the most significant way I could. That's why for the first time I publicly performed my dad's song Imagine," Julian explained.

It is noted that in the song Imagine Lennon set out his views and opinions on what the world should be like. At one time the composition became a kind of anti-war anthem.


Earlier, Lennon's son said he would perform the song only "if the end of the world begins."

 Why now, after all these years? I always said that the only time I would ever think of singing Imagine would be the end of the world. But his lyrics reflect our collective desire for world peace. Because in this song we are transported to a space where love and unity become our reality, at least for a moment. The song reflects the light at the end of the tunnel we all hope for. As a result of the ongoing murderous violence, millions of innocent families have been forced to flee their homes asylum elsewhere, "Julian said.


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